Chapter Overview

Engaging women engineers, scientists, academia, and industry professionals from all areas of engineering, the Women in Engineering (WIE) community within the IEEE sets the standard for fostering diversity, inclusion, and innovation in the field of engineering. Through conferences, publications, and programs, and by creating a supportive network for women engineers at every stage of their careers, WIE empowers, shapes, and guides the future of not only its members but the greater engineering community as well, enabling new opportunities to make a positive impact on our world.


About US

Our student branch is a vibrant and inclusive community dedicated to fostering diversity and empowering women in the field of engineering. We are part of the global IEEE WIE network, which strives to inspire, engage, and advance women in technology and engineering professions.
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Our Team

2024-2023 Mandate

Lina Saaii
Baha Eddine Hammou
Vice Chair
Wafa Zoghlami
General Secretary
May Selmi
Event Manager
Mohamed Amine Elyanoubli

Take a look at our Gallery

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Join Us

Become a Part of IEEE WIE Student Chapter

Welcome to the IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Student Chapter! If you're passionate about promoting gender diversity and inclusivity in engineering, join our vibrant community of like-minded individuals. At IEEE WIE Student Chapter, we provide numerous opportunities for learning, networking, and skill development in the field of engineering, with a special focus on empowering women in technical disciplines.

Whether you're an aspiring engineer or a seasoned professional, there's a place for you at IEEE WIE Student Chapter. Engage in workshops, seminars, and outreach programs that inspire and support women pursuing engineering careers. Together, let's work towards creating a more equitable and innovative engineering community for the benefit of all.

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Team Dev

Big Thanks

I am incredibly grateful and proud to lead such an exceptional group of individuals.
Cherni Rihab, Fedi Bahloul, Molka Elloumi, Ahmed Sidi Mohamed, and Moussi Wiem, your dedication and hard work have been instrumental in the success of our projects. Each one of you brings unique talents and perspectives to the table, and together, we form a powerhouse of creativity and innovation. Your unwavering support, technical expertise, and collaborative spirit have been the driving force behind our achievements. Thank you for your commitment and passion, and I look forward to accomplishing even greater heights as a team.

With sincere appreciation: Hadj Sassi Mahdi

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